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Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals!
It's been a while since our last spam newsletter. Sorry about that, I think we got lost somewhere between (finally) playing Dragon Age II and dyeing a bajillion skeins for Stephen West's MKAL.
We're back though and have a treat for you, especially if you're into non-superwash yarn bases.
We've gotten a boatload of a delicious soft lace dyed up for you.
This beautiful non-superwash yarn is smooth, drapey and has a velvety soft texture. The added gold stellina sparkle gives it a luxurious look and Tussah silk creates a beautiful luster.
With this update we're celebrating that Jack joined the company a year ago (it still feels like yesterday that they infiltrated the ranks).
We have named most of our one of a kind colorways after the one thing that brought us together: Video games.
So get ready for some easily spotted—and some obscure—references and celebrate Jack's one-year anniversary with us!
Stay Awesome!