Hey there Guy/Gal/Non-Binary Pal!
Friday April 21st at 4pm CET our April Shop Update goes live!
I spent most of the past four weeks dyeing up a storm for wholesale, but managed to squeeze in some semi-solid sexiness in the form of a hefty update of over 20 kilos of Squirm Sock.
I've also been scheming on a Pride related collaboration with my friend Ross from The Wee Yarn Company. That's right my friends, we'll be assaulting your retina's as a queer tag-team. More about that when you scroll down this newsletter.
Stay Awesome!
- Aiden
PS: the S key on my keyboard is having a really bad time today being pounded to within an inch of it's life.
Friday April 21st at 4pm CET our April Shop Update goes live!
I spent most of the past four weeks dyeing up a storm for wholesale, but managed to squeeze in some semi-solid sexiness in the form of a hefty update of over 20 kilos of Squirm Sock.
I've also been scheming on a Pride related collaboration with my friend Ross from The Wee Yarn Company. That's right my friends, we'll be assaulting your retina's as a queer tag-team. More about that when you scroll down this newsletter.
Stay Awesome!
- Aiden
PS: the S key on my keyboard is having a really bad time today being pounded to within an inch of it's life.