Creep Coins
Sign up for our Creep Coins Savings program and earn discounts!
With every 1 euro spent at Undercover Otter, you will get 2 Creep Coins.You can exchange these coins for discount codes on your purchases.
Besides saving up points with every euro you spend, you can get coins for creating an account on the site, liking our Facebook page, following us on Instagram and celebrating your birthday with us!
You can also refer friends to Undercover Otter! This will net you 500 Creep Coins. Your referral partner gets a 10% discount code sent to their inbox!
Creep Coins are an extra feature on the site and we've added them because we want to show you guys some love as a thank you for supporting our small business.
You can access your Creep Coins account by clicking the button below.
To earn and redeem Creep Coins, you need to have an account on the Undercover Otter website.
Creep Coins Questions
Q: Do I get coins for shipping?
A: No, we do not offer points over the shipping cost.
Q: Does VAT count towards Creep Coins?
A: No, all coins are rewarded on purchases excluding VAT.